In the summer of 2021, our founder traveled to the Sierra Nevada Mountains to attend the funeral and celebration of life for his beloved uncle. His uncle was a U.S. Navy combat veteran who served during Vietnam, and a hero of our founder. He continued to serve and enrich many lives as a casino bartender and manager for Harrah’s. The mountain escape brought family from far away to spend time together for fellowship while remembering the life and legacy of their loved ones. Family that hadn’t seen each other in many years and in some cases decades, all of us caught up with the busyness of our lives.

During the celebration of life, the owner of the Lake Tahoehome and cousin to our founder shared an exercise for all to do. He had everyone make eight rows of ten dots on a piece of paper inside a box. Then, starting with the first dot on the first row, he had everyone make a larger dot over the smaller dots for every year of our age. After completion, the remaining dots revealed approximately how much life each of us had left. It was a very profound and eye-opening exercise to many vividly displaying the little time left!

That afternoon was a beautiful, sunny day in the Sierra Nevada Mountain range on the border between California and Nevada. Our founder and his brother wanted to go on a hike to ponder the loss of their uncle and the brevity of life. They asked their cousin if he had any recommendations, and he asked if they had experienced Fallen Leaf Lake. Although they had visited Lake Tahoe many times as children, the brothers had never been to Fallen Leaf Lake!

That afternoon the crisp, pollution-free air of the Sierra Nevada Mountains was invigorating to the soul. The warm July sky was a perfect deep blue, essentially cloudless. The rays of sunlight that poked through the canopy of the evergreens were just enough to pleasantly warm the skin in the cool mountain air. This created the perfect conditions for a hike that was not too hot, nor too cold. As the brothers approached Fallen Leaf Lake, they were both stunned at how clear the water seemed and how peaceful the natural surroundings were. There were a few other people scattered about, but only enough to encounter with long moments of solitude in between. Even though they had not planned on swimming, they both decided they must go out into the amazingly pure-looking water! As they both waded out into the crystal-clear water up to their necks, they looked down and could see their feet clearly as if there was no water at all!

Surrounded by the beautiful Sierra Nevada Mountains, our founder had a spiritual moment as he pondered the brevity of life.  He felt a peace come over him regarding his past and embraced forgiveness of himself and others. He finally felt free and healed.

At that moment, soaking in the healing energy and natural beauty of Fallen Leaf Lake, our founder became empowered and re-energized to renew his efforts to help others not just as a physician but as a member of our human community. With this new energy and life inspired by the waters of Fallen Leaf Lake, our founder created Fallen Leaf Concierge & Med Spa. A private medical company prioritizing individually customizable solutions that empower our clients on their wellness & aesthetic journeys and our staff on their professional journeys.

Welcome to the FALLEN LEAF MEDICAL Family!

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